PTSD- Military Sexual Trauma (MST)Hearts Landing Ranch is “building a community to impact a community”. This includes a newer Military PTSD program. According to the Veterans Association 1 in 5 women will experience sexual abuse while serving in the military. While the statistic for men is 1 in a 100. This data coupled, with the tragic statistic that 20 of our veterans are committing suicide every day suggests a very large need for support . Of course, every person and situation are different, but HLR prepares an 8-week curriculum to address the unique situational needs. This program includes a licensed therapist, and an equine specialist along with 1 – 10 horses. All the work at Hearts Landing Ranch is on the ground with the therapy team. This Equine Assisted Psychotherapy provides a dynamic opportunity for clients to recognize behavior or trauma and find solutions to heal. If you, or someone you know is suffering, please
reach out to us at: Additionally - here are a few links to get more information :
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I decided to share another book that I feel really explains at a high level what Equine Assisted Psychotherapy is and how it can help people suffering from various mental health issues, The book is called “Riding Home – The Power of Horses to Heal” by Tim Hayes. I read this book last year when I started volunteering at Hearts Landing Ranch here in Granite Bay, CA. I was interested in learning more about EAP and how to interact with these magnificent animals. In the book, Tim explains EAP and shares stories outlining and supporting the ideas he presents. Tim says, “Being with a horse compels one to acknowledge who they really are and not who they would prefer to be for others. It is only by seeing and accepting one’s true self, that a person can begin to heal their emotional wounds. If you don’t know that you, your behavior, or your attitude is the problem, then you need someone or something to show that to you.” This is where horses can be an invaluable tool in the EAP process as they act as mirrors to our emotions. Horses can do this without criticism, judgement, or shame. Bottom line – Horses are a powerful partner in the therapeutic process and can help people find their true path. If you have an interest in this topic, I highly suggest this book! If you are interested in helping, please see our Volunteer Opportunities page on our website! All the Best ! Melissa Hearts Landing Ranch -Volunteer Over 15 years ago, I started really journaling. This wasn't a "dear diary" entry every now and then, it was a commitment to journal 3 pages every day, first thing in the morning without thinking...even if I didn't feel like it. I learned this through a book called "The Artist's Way". Some days I hated it and one particular morning I simply wrote "I don't feel like writing" for a whole page and then, shazam, the words flowed! For the first year, I would say, journaling without thinking allowed space for a lot of trauma to come out that was stuffed down for decades. I highly recommend that book - artist or not, we are creative beings - and doing it with a trustworthy and fun friend. At the end of the chapter she always provided prompts to continue to dive deeper into who you were meant to be and especially being present. If you want to get started right away however, I've included a few journal prompts below. The prompts can be a question or statement that makes you think about your life. The goal of a prompt is to help you decide what to write in your journal by giving directions and guiding your thinking. Not into writing or want to enjoy this process with your kids, see some prompts below. When the kids were little, we had a little red journal on the dining table and would ask them to share one thing they were grateful for that day ....and one thing they wish they could do differently. I always loved the discussion (no judgement parents, just write what they say down) and keeping a memory of those days.
Donna Hearts Landing Ranch Lead by Scout Brian Ellis in pursuit of his Eagle Scout award. Brian has many years of experience raising award winning hens and turkeys. He knew just what was needed to keep the chickens safe from predators.
Lead by Jacob Moss in pursuit of his Eagle Scout award, Jacob consulted with chicken breeder and contractors to design the coop and then rallied volunteers to build it. See the production of those chickens in the photos.